Staggering Statistics

Covid-19 is having a profound effect on the poor in our community. Many of these people are heavily employed as hourly workers in the hospitality or non-essential service industry, which, as you know, is almost completely shut down. And many have children. There are no extra funds in our budget to cover this additional need. Please help by making a generous donation today.


Renters are cost burdened when their housing cost is over 30%. 10M American renters are severely cost burdened.


135M Americans are poor or low income


52% of Americans cannot handle an emergency expense of $400

How We're Solving The Problem

Our Holistic Approach

We've pioneered a self-sufficiency model that addresses the underlying causes of homelessness.

Intensive Case Management Model

The Project90 Model immerses our customers with classes, community resources, and coaches to make permanent life changes possible.


We’ve pioneered a self-sufficiency matrix that allows us to measure our success, create realtime data, and provide valuable feedback.

90 Days

90% of our customers are self-sufficient in 90 days and continue to stay stable at 6 months.

Video Presentation

We're just getting started

  • 3

    New Office Locations

  • 2

    New Grants to help reach more people in need

  • 3

    States Served

  • 1000

    Lives changed for the better